domenica 31 agosto 2014

Di noi hanno detto....

Piccola rassegna stampa per runner alle prime armi

"DaBologna a San Francisco, un ponte contro il cancro" dal giornale on line Info.Oggi - link articolo

"‘La scoperta della corsa…, dal blog di @Giorgia_Buselli per gli #indivanados" dal blog indiVAnados - link post

"La corsa eretica di Giorgia contro il cancro" dal blog Ereticamente - link articolo

"Civiltà dell'amore" dal blog Welfareweb  - link pagina

"Tuta e scarpette contro i cancro" Agenzia DIRE - articolo

Intervista a Rete del Dono - news

...e anche su siti internazionali...

Sul sito di "My name is not cancerlink

Potete ancora sostenere il progetto! DONA ORA!

Con i fondi raccolti fino ad ora la LILT puo' garantire pap test e visite specialistiche gratuite per la prevenzione dei tumori femminili già a 60 donne!


con 10€ paghi l’esame di laboratorio per un hemoccult a una persona che non può permetterselo
con 15€ paghi l’esame di laboratorio per un pap test a una donna che non può permetterselo
con 30€ paghi la colposcopia e l’esame di laboratorio per il pap test a una donna che non può permetterselo
con 100€ paghi la visita specialistica del medico oncologo, l’ecografia mammaria, la colposcopia e l’esame di laboratorio per il pap test, l'analisi e l' invio dei risultati, il follow up a una donna che non puo’ permetterselo per motivi economici o perché non ha accesso al servizio sanitario nazionale

Vi ringrazio di cuore!

p.s. il viaggio a San Francisco ed entrambe le quote di iscrizione alle corse sono completamente a carico del runner. L'Associazione non ha alcun costo per l'organizzazione e lo svolgimento dell'iniziativa.

martedì 19 agosto 2014

San Francisco!

From Bologna to San Francisco to symbolize a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer.
From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.

This was the idea when I first started this blog...

Two races:
- on May the 11th I've ran the “Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
- on August the 20th I'll be running the “Fog City Run” in San Francisco (USA), to support all those that I've never met who are battling the same plague.
Why’s that? Because I do believe that cancer will be beaten only if we all take part to the fight! Every and each of us in our own way. This is my way to stand up.

On my way to San Francisco, I’ve spent few days in New York where the Giants played the Mets: 4 amazing games! Two no-hitter bids through 7th, a 4 homeruns game...and yes! I've also caught a foul ball.

Besides my baseball enthusiasm, on the evening of Monday 8/04 I had the pleasure (and real honor) to sit in on the StupidCancer Radio Show, a live (and multi-award-winning) radio show giving voice to millions of children, teens and young adults affected cancer. You can read about it here

...and now...finally in San Francisco, the home of the Giants. San Francisco: beautiful city, amazing people.

I haven't had the chance of visiting the Breast Cancer Fund (see the post San Francisco calling herea nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation. I haven't got a reply from them yet, but there is till time...we'll see...

I had the pleasure of visiting Make A Wish, a wish-granting worldwide organization for children. Their mission is a bit different from the Italian Cancer Legue's mission but they are somehow connected since Make a Wish deal mostly with kids affected by cancer...and anyway, I am a Make a Wish Italia volunteer so when I had the opportunity of visiting the Bay Area chapter I just grabbed it!
I've spent the whole morning with them and had the real pleasure of meeting Patricia Wilson (Executive Director) who gave me a couple of very good ideas on how to motivate my watch out LILT!
I met also with the Event Director, the Corporate Relations Manager and the Development Director. I've spent half an hour with each of them discussing different approaches and common problems, sharing ideas and experiences... It's been really a great opportunity!

...and the fog City Run is...tomorrow! 

If you wish to join my run you are just one step away: CLICK HERE 


All contributions will support the Italian Cancer League Bologna activities to prevent and fight cancer, especially for those most in need:

  • Early detection programs for foreign women who do not have access to the National Health System. Nationalities most involved in the project are: Eastern Europe, North Africa, Africa, Latin America, and the Philippines. 
  • Early detection programs for breast and ovarian cancers for women who can neither afford a private practice nor even the “ticket” to access the National Health System. 
  • Early diagnosis for the elderly. 

10€ covers hemoccult costs for someone who cannot afford it
15€ covers pap test costs for a woman who cannot afford it
30€ covers pap test costs and specialist clinical exam 
 covers a specialist clinical exam, ultrasound for breast cancer early detection, pap test costs, and a follow-up visit for a woman who cannot afford it.

You can donate here- link


I'm o twitter @Giorgia_Buselli

sabato 9 agosto 2014

On my way to San Francisco: the StupidCancer Show

From Bologna to San Francisco to symbolize a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer.
From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.

This was the idea when I first started this blog...

Two races:
- on May the 11th I've ran the “Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
- on August the 20th I'll be running the “Fog City Run” in San Francisco (USA), to support all those that I've never met who are battling the same plague.
Why’s that? Because I do believe that cancer will be beaten only if we all take part to the fight! Every and each of us in our own way. This is my way to stand up.

On my way to San Francisco, I’ve spent few days in New York where the Giants played the Mets: 4 amazing games! Two no-hitter bids through 7th, a 4 homeruns game...and yes! I've also caught a foul ball.

Besides my baseball enthusiasm, on the evening of Monday 8/04 I had the pleasure (and real honor) to sit in on the StupidCancer Radio Show, a live (and multi-award-winning) radio show giving voice to millions of children, teens and young adults affected cancer.

The Episode #318 "Stupid Chemicals/ThinkDirty App", the season 14 finale, (here the podcast link) focused on chemicals and human safety: a very interesting topic since there is now scientific evidence of the environmental causes of cancer. Eliminating the risk of exposure to carcinogenic chemicals in homes and other environments of everyday life is an important step in the fight against cancer. This is the principle that led Lilly Tse to create the ThinkDirty App: she discusses it during the episode with also Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director at Safer Chemicals,Healthy Families.

Guest of the show also survivor Chris Wark. Chris after a diagnosis of a stage 3 colon cancer refused chemio and decided to use nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself. Now he shares his experience through his blog Chris Beat Cancer.

Stupid Cancer is a nonprofit based in New York committed to raise awareness of young adult cancer and to ensure that all patients are aware of their rights through information, advice and online forums that reach almost 5 thousand people. The organization is part of the Cancer Network, a LILT project aiming to bring together different organizations based in different countries to share the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.

August 9
...and now...finally in San Francisco!
San Francisco, the home of the Giants but also the home of the Breast Cancer Fund a nonprofit organization (member too of LILT Cancer Network) focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation. ...sounds familiar? Yes! They also are involved with safe cosmetic campaign.
I've already made contact with them to organize an informal meeting and discuss ways to "team up"...I'll keep you posted on that

The idea of ​​building a bridge to team up together and fight the disease, led me to another new contact: Leticia Croft-Holguin, cancer survivor, a young woman who wrote "Cancer starts with C" - a short and easy to read book aimed for children who are coping with the illness of their parents, to explain to them what happens to mom and dad through simple words and many illustrations. We decided to team up and make this publication available also in Italian ...

...and the fog City Run due in few days...

If you wish to join my run you are just one step away: CLICK HERE 


All contributions will support the Italian Cancer League Bologna activities to prevent and fight cancer, especially for those most in need:

  • Early detection programs for foreign women who do not have access to the National Health System. Nationalities most involved in the project are: Eastern Europe, North Africa, Africa, Latin America, and the Philippines. 
  • Early detection programs for breast and ovarian cancers for women who can neither afford a private practice nor even the “ticket” to access the National Health System. 
  • Early diagnosis for the elderly. 

10€ covers hemoccult costs for someone who cannot afford it
15€ covers pap test costs for a woman who cannot afford it
30€ covers pap test costs and specialist clinical exam 
 covers a specialist clinical exam, ultrasound for breast cancer early detection, pap test costs, and a follow-up visit for a woman who cannot afford it.

You can donate here- link


I'm o twitter @Giorgia_Buselli

domenica 3 agosto 2014

Travel Diary recap

From Bologna to San Francisco to symbolize a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer.

From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.

This was the idea when I first started this blog...

Two races:

- on May the 11th I've ran the “Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
- on August the 20th I'll be running the “Fog City Run” in San Francisco (USA), to support all those that I've never met who are battling the same plague.

Why’s that? Because I do believe that cancer will be beaten only if we all take part to the fight! Every and each of us in our own way. This is my way to stand up.

What's happened ever since? I've made contacts with some American nonprofit, organizations and associations involved in the fight against cancer or simply willing to help and support our run.

Thanks to the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco, Mauro Battocchi, I was introduced to D.I.V.E. (Italian Women who live abroad) and B.A.I.A. (Business Association Italy America): two lively communities bringing together young businessmen and businesswomen in the Bay Area who have immediately shown interest in our initiative and willingness to take part in it.

The idea of ​​building a bridge to team up together and fight the disease, led me to another new contact: Leticia Croft-Holguin, cancer survivor, a young woman who wrote "Cancer starts with C" - a short and easy to read book aimed for children who are coping with the illness of their parents, to explain to them what happens to mom and dad through simple words and many illustrations. We decided to team up and make this publication available also in Italian ...

Once in San Francisco, I will also have the chance to visit the Breast Cancer Fund: a nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation.
A few months ago, the Breast Cancer Fund joined the Cancer Network, a LILT project aiming to bring together different organizations based in different countries to share the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.

A new member of the Cancer Network is Stupid Cancer a nonprofit based in New York committed to raise awareness of young adult cancer and to ensure that all patients are aware of their rights through information, advice and online forums that reach almost 5 thousand people.
On my way to San Francisco, I’ll spend few days in New York where the Giants will play the Mets, and on the evening of Monday 8/04 I’ll have the pleasure (and real honor) to sit in on the StupidCancer Radio Show, a live (and multi-award-winning) radio show giving voice to millions of children, teens and young adults affected cancer.

...and this is just the beginning...

If you wish to join my run you are just one step away: CLICK HERE 


All contributions will support the Italian Cancer League Bologna activities to prevent and fight cancer, especially for those most in need:

  • Early detection programs for foreign women who do not have access to the National Health System. Nationalities most involved in the project are: Eastern Europe, North Africa, Africa, Latin America, and the Philippines. 
  • Early detection programs for breast and ovarian cancers for women who can neither afford a private practice nor even the “ticket” to access the National Health System. 
  • Early diagnosis for the elderly. 

10€ covers hemoccult costs for someone who cannot afford it
15€ covers pap test costs for a woman who cannot afford it
30€ covers pap test costs and specialist clinical exam
covers a specialist clinical exam, ultrasound for breast cancer early detection, pap test costs, and a follow-up visit for a woman who cannot afford it.

You can donate here- link


(ES) Resumen del Diario de viaje

De Bologna a San Francisco para simbolizar un puente que nos une a todo en la lucha contra el cáncer.

De Bologna a San Francisco para recaudar fondos para la Liga Italiana contra el Cáncer (LILT), una ONG comprometida, desde hace más de 90 años, a la lucha contra el cáncer y apoyo a los pacientes y sus familias.

Esta era la idea cuando empecé este blog...

Dos carreras:

 - el 11 de mayo corrí la “Strabologna”, en mi ciudad natal, por calles bien conocidas, para apoyar a conocidos que se enfrentan al cáncer dada día, por ellos mismos, por un familair, por un amigo;
- el 20 de agosto correré la “Fog City Run” en San Francisco (EEUU), para apoyar a desconocidos que luchan contra la misma plaga.

¿Por qué? ¡Porque creo que el cáncer será derrotado sólo si nos nos implicamos en la lucha! Todos y cada uno de nosotros, a nuestra manera. Y ésta es la mía.

¿Qué ha sucedico desde entonces? He hecho contactos con algunas ONGs y asociaciones involucradas en la lucha contra el cáncer o simplemente interesadas a ayudar y apoyar nuestra carrera.

Gracias al Cónsul General de Italia en San Francisco, Mauro Battocchi, que me puso en contacto con D.I.V.E. (Italian Women who live abroad-Mujeres Italianas que viven en el extranjero) and B.A.I.A. (Business Association Italy America-Asociación de Negocios Italo-Americana): dos comunidades muy dinámicas que reunen a hombres y mujeres de negocios en el Bay Area y que inmediatamente mostraron interés en nuestra initiva y en involucrarse en ella.

La idea de construir un puente para hacer equipo y luchar contra la enfermedad me llevó a otro nuevo contacto: Leticia Croft-Holguin, superviviente de cáncer, una mujer joven que escribió "Cancer starts with C" (Cáncer empieza con C” – un libro corto y fácil de leer para niños que tienen padres que sufren esta enfermedad, para explicarles que es lo que les pasa a mamá y papá con palabras sencillas y muchas ilustraciones. Hemos decidido trabajar en equipo y traducir esta publicación al italiano también...

Cuando llegue a San Francisco también tendre la oportunidad de visitar la Breast Cancer Fund: una ONG que se centra en elimitar el cáncer de mama a base de eliminar los riesgos de cáncer y causas ambientales de la enfermedad tales com exposición a productos químicos cancerígenos y radiación.

Hace unos meses la Brest Cancer Fund se apuntó a la Cancer Network, un proyecto de la LILT que une a diferentes organizaciones basadas en diferentes países para compartir las estrategias más recientes e innovadoras en la batalla contra el cáncer.

Un nuevo miembro de Cancer Network es Stupid Cancer, una ONG de Nueva York que se dedica a concienciar sobre el cáncer en jóvenes adultos y a asegurarse de que todos los pacientes están informados de sus derechos con información, consejos y forums en línea que alcancan a casi 5 mil personas.

De camino a San Francisco, pasaré unos días en Nueva York donde los Giants jugarán con los Mets y en la noche del lunes 4 de agosto tendré el placer (y un verdadero honor) de asistir al StupidCancer Radio Show, un programa de radio en vivo (y premiado varias veces) que da consejo a millones de niños, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos afectados de cancer.

... y esto es sólo el principio.

Traducción por Susana Fondon Layunta

Si desea acompañarme en mi carrera está a sólo un paso: HAGA CLICK AQUI


Todas las contribuciones apoyarán las actividades de la Liga Italiana contra el Cáncer Bologna para prevenir y luchar contra el cáncer, especialmente para los que más lo necesitan:

· Programas de detección temprana para mujeres estranjeras que no tienen acceso al Sistema Nacional de Salud. Las nacionalidades más habituales en este proyecto son: de Europa del este, norteafricanas, africanas, latinoamericanas y filipinas.

· Programas de detección temprana para cáncer de mama y ovario para mujeres que ni pueden permitirse pagar una consulta privada ni siquiera tienen una “entrada” de acceso al Sistema Nacional de Salud

· Diagnosis temprana para los ancianos

10€ cubren los gastos de hemoccult (prueba para detectar sangre oculta en las heces) para alguien que no puede cubrirlos
15€ cubren los gastos de una citología para una mujer que no puede cubrirlos
30€ cubren los gastos de una citología y un exámen clínico por un especialista
100€ cubren un exámen clínico por un especialista, ultrasonido para detección temprana de cáncer de mama, los costes de una citología y una visita de seguimiento para una mujer que no puede cubrirlos

Puede donar aquí- enlace


Traducción por Susana Fondon Layunta

sabato 2 agosto 2014

2 Agosto 1980

Un orologio fermo alle 10.25
A Bologna per tutti il ricordo della bomba che esplose alla stazione il 2 Agosto 1980: 85 morti, 200 feriti.

I miei ricordi di quel giorno sono nitidi, ma a 10 anni per fortuna ti butti subito tutto alle spalle. Ancora oggi, pero', ripensandoci, mi manca il fiato...

Due fontane e quasi 3000 nomi incisi sul bordo.
New York ricorda così le vittime dell'11 settembre 2001 quando due aerei si sono scagliati sulle torri gemelle facendo crollare entrambi i grattacieli.

Chiari nella mia mente anche quei momenti quando al lavoro ci guardavamo allibiti, in silenzio, incapaci anche solo di assimilare la notizia.

Oggi, in vacanza a New York, sono voluta andare al WTC Memorial per ricordare così tutte le vite spezzate dall'odio degli uomini (perchè solo l'essere umano è capace di odiare).

A tutti loro oggi il mio pensiero.

(ENG) 8/2 1980

A clock always giving the same time 10.25
Everybody in Bologna remembers the bomb exploding at the rail station at 10.25 on August the 2nd, 1980: 85 dead, 200 injured.

My memories of that day are very clear. But at 10 years of age you immediately throw it all behind your shoulders. But even today, when I look back, my breath stops ...

Two fountains and nearly 3,000 names engraved on their edge.
This is how New York remembers the victims of 9/11 - when two planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center causing both of them to collapse.

Those moments are clear in my mind: I was at work, we all looked stunned, silent, unable even to assimilate the news.

Today, on vacation in NYC, I am going to the WTC Memorial to commemorate and remember all those lives shattered by hatred of men (because only the human being is capable of hating).

To all of them my thoughts.

(ES) 2 de agosto del 1980

Un reloj parado a las 10.25

En Bologna todos se acuerdan de la bomba que explotó en la estación el 2 de agosto del 1980: 85 muertos, 200 heridos.

Mis recuerdos de alquel día son nítidos, pero con 10 años afortunadamente te lo tiras todo a la espalda. Aún hoy, sin embargo, cuando lo pienso, me cuesta respirar...

Dos fuentes y casi 3000 nombre grabados en el borde.

Nueva York recuerda así a las víctimas del 11 de setiembre del 2001 cuando dos aviones chocaron contra las torres gemelas haciendo caer ambos rascacielos.

Claros en mi mente también esos momentos cuando en el trabajo nos mirábamos entre nosotros, perplejos, en silencio, incapaces de alimilar la noticia.

Hoy, de vacaciones en Nueva York, he querido venir al WTC Memorial para recordar así todas las vidas destrozadas por el odio de los hombres (porque sólo el ser humano es capaz de odiar).

Mis pensamientos son para todos ellos hoy.

Traducción por Susana Fondon Layunta