From Bologna to San Francisco to symbolize a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer.
From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.
This was the idea when I first started this blog...
Two races:

- on May the 11th I've ran the “
Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
- on August the 20th I'll be running the “Fog City Run” in San Francisco (USA), to support all those that I've never met who are battling the same plague.
Why’s that? Because I do believe that cancer will be beaten only if we all take part to the fight! Every and each of us in our own way. This is my way to stand up.
What's happened ever since? I've made contacts with some American nonprofit, organizations and associations involved in the fight against cancer or simply willing to help and support our run.
Thanks to the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco, Mauro Battocchi, I was introduced to D.I.V.E. (Italian Women who live abroad) and B.A.I.A. (Business Association Italy America): two lively communities bringing together young businessmen and businesswomen in the Bay Area who have immediately shown interest in our initiative and willingness to take part in it.
The idea of building a bridge to team up together and fight the disease, led me to another new contact: Leticia Croft-Holguin, cancer survivor, a young woman who wrote "Cancer starts with C" - a short and easy to read book aimed for children who are coping with the illness of their parents, to explain to them what happens to mom and dad through simple words and many illustrations. We decided to team up and make this publication available also in Italian ...
Once in San Francisco, I will also have the chance to visit the Breast Cancer Fund: a nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation.
A few months ago, the Breast Cancer Fund joined the Cancer Network, a LILT project aiming to bring together different organizations based in different countries to share the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.
A new member of the Cancer Network is Stupid Cancer a nonprofit based in New York committed to raise awareness of young adult cancer and to ensure that all patients are aware of their rights through information, advice and online forums that reach almost 5 thousand people.
On my way to San Francisco, I’ll spend few days in New York where the Giants will play the Mets, and on the evening of Monday 8/04 I’ll have the pleasure (and real honor) to sit in on the StupidCancer Radio Show, a live (and multi-award-winning) radio show giving voice to millions of children, teens and young adults affected cancer.
...and this is just the beginning...
If you wish to join my run you are just one step away:
All contributions will support the Italian Cancer League Bologna activities to prevent and fight cancer, especially
for those most in need:
- Early
detection programs for foreign women who do not have access to the National
Health System. Nationalities most involved in the project are: Eastern Europe, North Africa,
Africa, Latin America,
and the Philippines.
- Early
detection programs for breast and ovarian cancers for women who can neither
afford a private practice nor even the “ticket” to access the National Health System.
- Early
diagnosis for the elderly.
10€ covers hemoccult costs for someone who cannot afford it
15€ covers pap test costs for a woman who cannot afford it
30€ covers pap test costs and specialist clinical exam
covers a specialist clinical exam, ultrasound for breast cancer early
detection, pap test costs, and a follow-up visit for a woman who cannot
afford it.
You can donate here- link