From Bologna to San Francisco to symbolize a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer.
From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.
This was the idea when I first started this blog...
Two races:
- on May the 11th I've ran the “Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
From Bologna to San Francisco to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.
This was the idea when I first started this blog...
Two races:
- on May the 11th I've ran the “Strabologna”, in my home town, along well known streets, to support those I know who are facing cancer every day, themselves, a relative, a friend;
- on August the 20th I'll be running the “Fog City Run” in San Francisco (USA), to support all those that I've never met who are battling the same plague.
Why’s that? Because I do believe that cancer will be beaten only if we all take part to the fight! Every and each of us in our own way. This is my way to stand up.
Besides my baseball enthusiasm, on the evening of Monday 8/04 I had the pleasure (and real honor) to sit in on the StupidCancer Radio Show, a live (and multi-award-winning) radio show giving voice to millions of children, teens and young adults affected cancer. You can read about it here

I haven't had the chance of visiting the Breast Cancer Fund (see the post San Francisco calling here) a nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation. I haven't got a reply from them yet, but there is till time...we'll see...
I had the pleasure of visiting Make A Wish, a wish-granting worldwide organization for children. Their mission is a bit different from the Italian Cancer Legue's mission but they are somehow connected since Make a Wish deal mostly with kids affected by cancer...and anyway, I am a Make a Wish Italia volunteer so when I had the opportunity of visiting the Bay Area chapter I just grabbed it!
I've spent the whole morning with them and had the real pleasure of meeting Patricia Wilson (Executive Director) who gave me a couple of very good ideas on how to motivate my watch out LILT!
I met also with the Event Director, the Corporate Relations Manager and the Development Director. I've spent half an hour with each of them discussing different approaches and common problems, sharing ideas and experiences... It's been really a great opportunity!
...and the fog City Run is...tomorrow!
All contributions will support the Italian Cancer League Bologna activities to prevent and fight cancer, especially for those most in need:
- Early detection programs for foreign women who do not have access to the National Health System. Nationalities most involved in the project are: Eastern Europe, North Africa, Africa, Latin America, and the Philippines.
- Early detection programs for breast and ovarian cancers for women who can neither afford a private practice nor even the “ticket” to access the National Health System.
- Early diagnosis for the elderly.

10€ covers hemoccult costs for someone who cannot afford it
15€ covers pap test costs for a woman who cannot afford it
30€ covers pap test costs and specialist clinical exam
100€ covers a specialist clinical exam, ultrasound for breast cancer early detection, pap test costs, and a follow-up visit for a woman who cannot afford it.
You can donate here- link
I'm o twitter @Giorgia_Buselli
I'm o twitter @Giorgia_Buselli
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