The Fog City Run is still far away, but if my legs are not ready yet (will they ever be?), my heart is already in San Francisco ... memories from 2010 come to my mind, when I spent 3 very intense days exploring the city famous for its trams, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and of course … the Giants!
I cannot wait to go back and live the city again…
In my last post ("Next stop: San Francisco" you can read it here) I’ve introduced you to two online communities which I’ve “met” thanks to the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco: D.I.V.E and B.A.I.A. Both organizations share our goal to create a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer, because cancer unfortunately does not have borders or barriers.
The idea of building a bridge to team up together and fight the disease, led me to another new contact: Leticia Croft-Holguin, cancer survivor.
I cannot wait to go back and live the city again…
In my last post ("Next stop: San Francisco" you can read it here) I’ve introduced you to two online communities which I’ve “met” thanks to the Consul General of Italy in San Francisco: D.I.V.E and B.A.I.A. Both organizations share our goal to create a bridge uniting us all in the fight against cancer, because cancer unfortunately does not have borders or barriers.
The idea of building a bridge to team up together and fight the disease, led me to another new contact: Leticia Croft-Holguin, cancer survivor.
Leticia is a young woman who was pregnant and mother of a 7 year old when diagnosed with cancer. She then wrote "Cancer starts with C" - a short and easy to read book aimed for children who are coping with the illness of their parents, to explain to them what happens to mom and dad through simple words and many illustrations.
We decided to team up and make this publication available also in Italian ... and now I've just finished the translation.
Once the graphic will be ready as well, a pdf format of the book will be downloadable for free online (at Leticia and LILT websites)... but we have a few more projects in mind ...
My trip to San Francisco will give me the opportunity to meet Leticia in person and share with her other ideas and projects. Leticia is not only an enthusiastic woman who loves life and lives her life to help others, she is also a big Giants fan... what a great way to start a relationship!
Once in San Francisco, I will also have the chance to visit the Breast Cancer Fund: a nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation.
A few months ago, the Breast Cancer Fund joined the Cancer Network (or A Network Against Cancer), a LILT project aiming to bring together different organizations based in different countries to share the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.
With their headquarters located in San Francisco, I will be able to visit the Breast Cancer Fund in Augsust and get insider’s glimpse into this wonderful organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. I’ve already made contact with Maija Witte, Development Associate and will arrange a meeting later on…
Once the graphic will be ready as well, a pdf format of the book will be downloadable for free online (at Leticia and LILT websites)... but we have a few more projects in mind ...

Once in San Francisco, I will also have the chance to visit the Breast Cancer Fund: a nonprofit organization focused on eliminating breast cancer by eliminating cancer risk and environmental causes of the disease such as exposure to chemical carcinogens and radiation.
A few months ago, the Breast Cancer Fund joined the Cancer Network (or A Network Against Cancer), a LILT project aiming to bring together different organizations based in different countries to share the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.
With their headquarters located in San Francisco, I will be able to visit the Breast Cancer Fund in Augsust and get insider’s glimpse into this wonderful organization dedicated to eliminating cancer. I’ve already made contact with Maija Witte, Development Associate and will arrange a meeting later on…
This vacation is turning into quite the intense agenda after all ...
“From Bologna to San Francisco…” aims to raise funds for Italian Cancer League (LILT), a charity committed, for over 90 years, to the fight against cancer and support for patients and their families.
Project details here.
A network against cancer
Lilt is in contact with other international cancer organizations to keep abreast of the most recent and innovative approaches in the battle against cancer.
“A network against cancer” aims to become a virtual space where different cancer charities and organizations, based in different countries share ideas. A virtual space where cancer patients, their families, survivors and anyone willing to join the battle against cancer can find information, different perspectives, insights and analysis.
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